
TL Enterprises, Interlink Electronics Moving to Camarillo

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Two companies--one now located just south of Ventura County and one just north of the county--are about to move into the same Camarillo industrial park, bringing with them a total of 175 employees.

The firms are TL Enterprises Inc. of Agoura Hills, sponsor of the 900,000-member Good Sam RV Club and publisher of Trailer Life and other magazines, and Interlink Electronics, a Carpinteria producer of touch-sensitive devices used in the medical, computer and aeronautics fields.

This month, both concerns, which are unrelated, will occupy leased space in the same large building in Lincoln Technology Park on Calle Tecate, according to Rob Gilmore, a broker with CB Commercial Real Estate Group’s Ventura office who represented Lincoln Property Co., the park’s owner, in the leasing transactions.


Mike Schneider, TL’s executive vice president, said 125 employees will move from Agoura Hills into TL’s new 35,000-square-foot headquarters by May 24.

“We’ve been in our present location for 14 years,” Schneider said. “It’s time for a change. The Camarillo building is better suited to our desktop publishing operation. And besides, we happen to like Ventura County.”

TL produces half a dozen magazines and administers several national organizations. The company’s 50-year-old flagship publication, Trailer Life, has a circulation of 300,000. The company also produces MotorHome, Rider and RV Business, in addition to operating the Good Sam club and other organizations.


“We’re always looking at new opportunities,” Schneider said. “As we grow, I’m sure our payroll will expand, too.”

Interlink President E. Michael Thoben said the company is moving to Camarillo “because it should be a much better place than Carpinteria for recruiting the technological and administrative talent we’re going to be needing.”

Interlink, which in 1987 acquired two dozen patents covering force-sensitive technology, expects to go public by June 1, Thoben said.


The company hopes to raise $7 million from the upcoming stock-and-warrant offering, which would be used to fund production of two IBM-compatible computer pointers it has developed.

In addition to 50 people who will move into the new 26,000-square-foot facility in Camarillo, Interlink has 14 employees at a unit in Tokyo.

The company is also a partner in a high-tech joint venture whose other owners are the government of Luxembourg and Arbed S.A., a Luxembourg steel conglomerate.
