
Crackdown on Pepper Gas

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I was amused by your recent article regarding the three state agencies that have banned together to clamp down on illegal sales of the new pepper-based tear gas (Oleoresin capsicum).

I can hardly believe that the California departments of justice, pesticide regulation and the attorney general have nothing better to do right now than to go after law-abiding citizens who wish only to defend themselves with this non-lethal spray.

Am I missing something here? Have these agencies finally eradicated violent crime, drugs and gangs in California to the point that they now have the time and resources (i.e. our tax dollars) to go after pepper-spray dealers? My God, where are their priorities?


According to the article, these agencies are fearful that this effective pepper spray will “fall into the wrong hands.” So what? Personally, I’d rather have a robber spray me in the eyes with pepper spray, than shoot me in the head with a Smith & Wesson .44 magnum.


