
Holocaust in Bosnia

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It seems, once again, that our wimpy allies do not want to own up to the problems in their own back yard--the Balkan crisis (May 7). They do not want any military action to take place unless American troops are on the ground, supposedly fearing retaliation. They also state that air strikes will not do the job effectively.

The current use of air power was never demonstrated better than Desert Storm. Massive, decisive strikes to destroy--what air power does best--supply lines, command and control, radar sites and air superiority.

I believe that the Europeans really are inept and just don’t want to admit that without us they really can’t defend themselves, let alone live up to any NATO or U.N. responsibilities. The Europeans have plenty of ground soldiers that can be used; I think we should limit our involvement to providing air strikes, and let the “allies” do their fair share for a change.


I applaud President Clinton in his firm stance on this problem, although I must admit I did not vote for him.


Simi Valley
