
Board’s Own Tax Revolt

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The Ventura County Board of Supervisors has proposed its own tax revolt to withhold from the state the property tax money that the county of Ventura collects for the state of California. Like children, the Board of Supervisors will show Gov. Wilson what they think of his budget cuts.

To the contrary--and they know only too well: A proposal like that will end up in the courts; it is just a cheap blackmail trick; it is another attempt by them to put the blame of their own mismanagement of the county’s budget onto someone else, and it makes the citizens of this county appear to be selfish and greedy people.

Bottom line: The Ventura County Board of Supervisors continues to ply their brand of hocus-pocus with public funds and issues, but what do they care as long as they get their names in the paper and the taxpayer gets the bill?


Now as for me, I’m just an old country boy and do not pretend to know anything about tax revolts. However, I do have a suggestion: Why don’t the people who pay that property tax just keep their money, at least until our politicians learn how to work within a budget of the monies that they do have--kinda like the way most of us country folks have to.


