
Grameen Bank

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Thank you for the article on micro-enterprise lending (“What Poor Bangladesh Can Teach Rich America,” Opinion, May 9). The Grameen Bank, founded 10 years ago by Muhammed Yunus with a total loan of $32 from his own pocket to 12 destitute women, now has more than 1.5 million borrowers, 92% of them destitute women. It is an amazing story.

Readers should know that they have an opportunity to hear Dr. Yunus speak Sunday at 7 p.m. at Polytechnic School in Pasadena. For more information, call me at (818) 359-0649.

Representatives from the Coalition for Women’s Economic Development from Los Angeles and the Neighborhood Enterprise Center from Pasadena will also be there to discuss their programs, which are based on Yunus’ model.



