
Financing for Mayor Campaign

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* After the mayoral primary, one of your political commentators wrote that the primary source of Michael Woo’s campaign finances was the Asian-American community throughout the country (Commentary, April 22). The media consistently but incorrectly make this assertion about every Asian-American candidate.

It is a racist remark--oft-repeated, innocently or otherwise. There were candidates from many ethnic groups in the Los Angeles mayoral primary. I never read any statement or heard any comment that a candidate (other than Woo) received major campaign financing from his or her “racial” group.

The assertion that Woo received his major campaign funding from Asian-Americans is wrong. The majority of his campaign contributions has come from non-Asian-Americans.


Is the color of the source of the support relevant? Is there something wrong or ominous about an Asian-American receiving the support of other Asian-Americans throughout the U.S.?

The media should ask the laundry owner in New Jersey, the gardener in California, the waiter in New York City’s Chinatown, the grocer in South-Central Los Angeles, and the many, many Asian-American professionals why they are willing to support Michael Woo in Los Angeles.

The answer will be that Woo is a qualified candidate. He is honest, hard-working, and he has a vision for Los Angeles. He is a role model for young people. And, it is time for the rainbow of the American political system to include another color.


The media must resist the spin doctors who drop exotic tidbits, hoping to mislead and divide the electorate without discussing the real issues.


South Pasadena
