
UCLA to Screen Goldovskaya Films

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The UCLA Film Archive’s “Woman With a Movie Camera: Marina Goldovskaya” will introduce American audiences to the work of an eminent documentarian of the glasnost era.

Screening May 27 at 7:30 p.m. at UCLA’s Melnitz Theater are “The House With Knights” (1993), which traces the history of an old Moscow building, currently occupied by the Ministry of Culture, and its inhabitants, and “The Shattered Mirror” (1992), which chronicles daily life in post-Soviet Russia.

“Solovky Power” (1990), an account of the first Soviet prison camp, and “A Taste of Freedom” (1991), about the impact of perestroika on a Moscow TV journalist and his wife, screen May 29 at 7:30 p.m.

Goldovskaya will be present both evenings.

Information: (310) 206-FILM.
