
Rideshare Program

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A couple of months ago, I called the Rideshare program to find someone to car-pool with. Recently, I received a package of mail from Team Rideshare with a letter congratulating me for joining the program (a previous letter from them conveyed the same congratulations in spite of their inability to find a Rideshare partner for me); a certificate of appreciation for joining the program including a Xerox of our governor’s signature; a coupon book, and a window sticker for my car. Not only that, but I received two copies of this junk mail, and they had two different membership numbers for me.

It strikes me as ridiculous that a government entity is wasting taxpayer money in these frugal times by mailing this useless garbage. Surely, there must be more cost-effective ways to encourage people to participate in the Rideshare program. Also, I wonder how badly reported participation is inflated by issuing multiple membership numbers to participants.


San Pedro
