
Should She Pay If She Asks Him Out?

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Males who are threatened by women’s march to full equal rights can at least take heart in the fact that one often nerve-racking chore-- instigating a date--is increasingly being shared by girls. High Life asks, “Should girls ask out boys on dates? Should they pay?”

“Definitely! Girls should ask guys out and they should pay. (Otherwise) guys will be the only people filing for bankruptcy, at a young age, too.”

Robert Nguyen, 17, senior, Mater Dei High School

“A girl could ask a guy out on a date, but a real gentleman would pay.”

Joe Harris, 17, junior, Katella

“Girls should not ask boys out on dates. Boys and girls should alternate paying for the date because it’s not fair that the boy has to pay every time.”


Antero Diaz, 16, sophomore, San Clemente

“Yes, they should. But I’ve never let a girl pay for a date, ever. If I don’t want to go out with them I won’t (even if) they ask me.”

Aaron Anger, 18, senior, El Dorado

“It makes a girl feel special when a boy notices her and asks to take her out on a date. So why shouldn’t a girl make a boy feel special and ask him out? A boy may be just as nervous in asking a girl out as a girl would be asking a boy out.”

Shawna Johnsen, 19, senior, San Clemente

“The idea that a woman should wait around for a man to ask her out is antiquated. There is no reason why a woman can’t make the first move, and if a woman can ask a man out, then she can pay for the date as well.”


Greta Lorge, 18, senior, Marina

“Yes. I think that’s fine. There’s just this double standard in society that has the guy doing everything. But it shouldn’t be like some kind of pay-back.”

Alice Park, 17, junior, Brea Olinda

“Why not? If two people are secure in their relationship, does it matter who pays?”

Christopher Morgan, 17, senior, Mater Dei

“If the girl knows the guy pretty well, then it is fine. But she should be ready to pay since she asked him on the date.”

Danielle Eldridge, 16, junior, Edison

“Yes, if women are so pro-equal rights, they should feel comfortable enough to ask a guy out and be willing to pay.”


Priya Sanghvi, 17, senior, Marina

“I like the idea of girls asking out guys. But girls shouldn’t be forced into paying. If they pay because they feel the boy wouldn’t go on a date if they don’t pay, then that’s bad.”

Brian Lucas, 17, senior, Mater Dei

“Yes, it shouldn’t always be the guys who ask first. But I don’t know about paying; I kind of feel bad when a date pays for me.”

Jeremy Sandy, 17, junior, Marina

“Why not? It’s the ‘90s!”

Isela Huerta, 17, senior, Trabuco Hills

“Sure, I believe women should be equal. They can pay if they want to, as long as they trade off, because the economy is pretty tough now.”

Bruce Howe, 17, junior, Trabuco Hills

“Yes, they should. They should pay for the first time, or go Dutch.”

Jen Shepard, 18, senior, El Dorado

“Yes, I think it would make for some fun, just to see if they would crack under the pressure or not. I don’t think it matters who pays.”

Matt Bodiford, 15, freshman, Brea Olinda

“Girls should be able to. It’s the ‘90s, and whoever asks that other person out should pay for it.”

Thanh Hinh, 16, sophomore, Los Amigos

“I wouldn’t do it, but that’s because I wouldn’t have the guts. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t. If a girl is courageous enough to face a humiliating, horrifying rejection, by all means she should ask. As far as paying, just because she asks him out doesn’t mean he gets a free ride.”


Shirley Dloomy, 17, senior, Brea Olinda

“The guy should pay regardless if the girl asks the guy out or the guy asks the girl out.”

David Weiss, 16, freshman, Los Amigos

“Yes, because the days of traditional dating are over. They should pay because whoever asks should pay.”

Jason Adair, 18, senior, Trabuco Hills

“They should ask sometimes, but I would pay for it because I would not care.”

Scott Wiedrick, 17, junior, Huntington Beach

“I think it’s more popular for a guy to ask a girl out and pay her way. On the other hand, it’s the ‘90s, and girls just have as much right to ask guys out.”

Tanjie Dinger, 15, freshman, Los Amigos

“Yes, girls should ask guys out on dates. Sometimes guys just move too slow, and they need us girls to push them along. As far as paying goes, well whoever asks for the date should pay for the date.”

Scarlett Sire, 17, junior, Edison

“She should ask the guy because there’s no reason not to. He should pay, because of the way society is today.”

Becky Bellamy, 17, junior, Huntington Beach

“If the girl likes the boy, then she should go for it, because it would take some stress off the guy. Whoever asks should pay.”

Brad Webre, 17, junior, Edison

“Of course girls should ask boys out! If we are ever to be fully equal we must share in the nervous torture, just like guys. No pain, no gain. I think the cost should be split, unless you go to a costly event, then it should be the responsibility of whoever asked.”


Julie Taylor, 17, senior, Mater Dei

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

What is your favorite movie and why?

Responses were gathered by Hallie Kim (Brea Olinda High School), Caroline Lynch (Mater Dei), Michele Hainley (Trabuco Hills), Mandi Hernandez (San Clemente), Veronica Lee (Marina), Eileen Hsu (University), Sunshine Arena (El Dorado), Morgan Howard (Huntington Beach), Jennifer Chau (Los Amigos), David Brinkman (Edison) and David Fitzgerald (Katella).
