
Living With Violence

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The talk in the office is of death. In the space of two weeks three relatives of co-workers have been shot in drive-by shootings. One woman’s cousin was shot to death walking out of a nightclub with friends. She leaves a 7-year-old daughter. Two days later another woman’s brother was shot in front of his young son as they left a fast-food restaurant. He is recovering. Two days after that the same woman’s cousin was killed standing in front of his house. Last Friday a group of young men fired more than 30 bullets into densely populated housing just two miles from where I live. Four were shot.

Funerals, funerals, and more funerals. It creeps ever closer. Where does it end? Who’s next? You? Me? My child? Yours? Must we wait in fear while we are picked off one by one?

This insanity must stop. Put the National Guard on the streets before it’s too late. You who are in the cars pulling the triggers of the guns: Stop this murder!




* On the morning of March 11, my son Bob was taken captive and drove on command from Ontario to Santa Ana. As his loved ones, friends and many others watched the chase on TV many were praying for Bobby’s safety. I want to thank all of you so very much. Being a Christian lady and a firm believer in prayer, I do believe God brought him through this horrible experience. I thank God for the wisdom and expertise the police used in such a dangerous situation.

Having such a traumatic experience makes you stop and wonder why the youth of today disregard life so easily. What are we teaching our young people about life? As a mother and grandmother, I pray that we not turn our backs on God and think that we can do everything ourselves. God does answer prayer. Please pray that God will change the hearts of all our young people to respect and protect life, for all life is precious. Let’s say a prayer for adults too.


