
O.C. LETTERS : Where Band Plays Isn’t a Dead Issue

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In his profile of Bob Weir (“Bob Weir’s Life Beyond Dead,” May 6), Buddy Seigal writes that the Grateful Dead has been “banned from a number of venues, including its former roost in Orange County, Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre.”

Where is Seigal’s evidence? In a previous Times article, Irvine’s then- Mayor Larry Agran said that despite problems at a 1989 Dead concert, the city had no authority to order the amphitheater not to book the group.

Later, Bob Geddes, managing partner of the amphitheater, told another paper that amphitheater officials would evaluate return visits by the Dead on a year-by-year basis.


Finally, a Dead spokesman was quoted in The Times as saying: “The Grateful Dead has existed somewhat longer than the city of Irvine, and it will continue to exist. We’re only interested in going where we’re welcome.”

It sounds to me like the Grateful Dead banned Irvine Meadows!

We’re all gettin’ real tired of L.A. Times’ bad-mouthing the Grateful Dead and/or Deadheads.


Yorba Linda

Letters should be brief and must include the writer’s full name, address and phone number. No pseudonyms may be used. Letters are subject to editing and condensation. Please mention date of publication when referring to a specific article. Mail to Orange County Calendar Letters, Los Angeles Times, P.O. Box 2008, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626, or fax to (714) 966-5663.


