
Parents who finally succeeded last week in...

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Parents who finally succeeded last week in restoring the traditional semester system to most public schools in the San Fernando Valley now face one last challenge.

Because of the change from year-round schools, they must now figure out what to do with the kids for the extra three weeks that will be tacked on to summer vacation.

Under the year-round system that was overwhelmingly rejected last week, the Los Angeles Unified School District scheduled a short summer break from June 30 to Aug. 16.


Now, summer break for most schools will last until Tuesday, Sept. 7.

In fact, parents have a host of options at their disposal--from resident camps to day camps, child-care programs to volunteer opportunities, recreation activities to workshops on such things as computer skills, piano and cooking.

Many of the camps serving San Fernando Valley children have sessions that cover at least part of the additional time off. Day camps and other recreation programs run by the school district, the city Recreation and Parks Department and outside nonprofit agencies like the Woodcraft Rangers plan to extend their schedules to coincide with most, if not all, of the school break.

“What we’ve noticed over the last couple of years since the school district has been in the year-round mode is that more and more community organizations are scheduling programs to meet the needs of the community,” said Doris Dillard, the school district’s summer-winter session intersession coordinator. She expects the trend to continues.


For more information on school district programs, Dillard says parents should contact the school that a student attends. Dillard also compiles a listing of camps and other programs available to district students. To get a copy, one may call her office at 213-625-6261.

For general information on residential and day camps as well as other programs available for children this summer, contact the United Way North Angeles Region (818-501-4447), the American Camping Assn. (213-985-5781), or the Woodcraft Rangers (213-749-3031).
