
Who says both candidates were weak? The...

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Who says both candidates were weak? The final mayoral debate was held at Channel 11 on the set of “Studs.”


Maybe his wife held the title: Mark Wenzel saw a man carrying a can of gasoline toward a stalled car on the Ventura Freeway and wondered how the poor guy got into that predicament. After all, the license plate said: PSYCHIC.


Crawling with art: Eleven months after three bronze crabs were pried loose from the Bunker Hill sculpture “Source Figure,” a new set of crustaceans has taken their place.


The crabs were figures of mystery even before their disappearance from the base of Robert Graham’s likeness of a nude woman of African heritage.

Just why were they there? Some critics speculated that they symbolize the origins of life.

Vanity Fair magazine, always on the lookout for a Hollywood angle, pointed out that they could also represent the astrological sign of Graham’s actress wife, Anjelica Huston.


List of the Day: Beverly Hills High, which is celebrating its 65th anniversary with a two-day reunion this weekend at the school, has produced numerous famous alumni, including:


1. Former TV exec Barry Diller.

2. Actor Richard Dreyfuss.

3. Funnyman Albert Einstein (now known as Albert Brooks).

4. Writer Nora Ephron.

5. Sportswriter Mal Florence.

6. Sportscaster Jim Healy.

7. Director Penny Marshall.

8. Conductor Andre Previn.

9. Former Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke.

10. Cellist Jeffrey Solow.

One grad who won’t be attending the reunion is amateur tennis player Erik Menendez, who is currently being held along with brother Lyle on charges that they murdered their parents.


Legal milestones (cont).: We recounted how the already overloaded courts had to deal with the case of an attorney who was fined by a Superior Court judge for turning in 1 1/2-spaced paperwork instead of double-spaced. The fine was later overturned by an appeals court.

Well, attorney Michael Singer of Manhattan Beach has his own tale. He was recently ordered to make a special appearance in federal court and to submit a written declaration to explain why he had used a type font that yielded 15 characters per inch, rather than 10. The judge suspected he was trying to get around a 35-page limit for a brief.


“I’ve always used the font because I thought it looked more professional and more aesthetically pleasing,” Singer says. The judge let him off with a warning.


Economic indicators: Bill Cohen saw a banner that said: “Rediscover the New Thrifty,” on a store in La Puente. The building also bore a newer banner that said: “Store-Closing Sale.”


The winner in the recent Great Snail Race at the Puente Hills Mall was a gastropod that sprinted up a 13-inch wooden rod in 2 minutes and 3 seconds. The entry, coached by 12-year-old Anthony Cervantes of Covina, fell just short of the course record of 1:58.
