
Another tense day at the post office:...

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Another tense day at the post office: The man was flailing his arms and cursing at the clerk in an Atwater post office, complaining about how inept the operation was. The people waiting in line behind him, aware of recent instances of violence in postal settings, stiffened nervously.

But the man confined his anger to words and eventually stalked out.

Afterward, the clerk was asked what the dispute was about.

“Well,” she said, “we told him we ran out of Elvis stamps.”


Golden Moniker Awards: Among those honored by California Lawyer magazine were two Angelenos who won for “Most Ironic Name for Bankruptcy Attorneys”:

Richard M. Moneymaker

Vincent B. Moneymaker.


Dog days: The roasting-dog banner has been removed from the City Hall rotunda by the organizers of the Festival of Philippine Arts & Culture, who were upset over the criticism it drew.


The artists, who said the image represented American oppression of the Philippines and Filipinos, have replaced it with a tongue-in-cheek banner of a pooch leaping happily into a swimming pool. A nearby man waves. He is barbecuing.


What’s wrong with this picture?In the movie “Falling Down,” Michael Douglas makes an improbable journey on foot--from downtown to East L.A. to Hollywood to the Century Freeway to an Industry Hills golf course (near La Puente) to the Venice Pier.

Here are some other geographical improbables that author Bill Givens points out in the book, “Film Flubs,” and its two sequels:


* In “The Doctor,” there’s a skyline shot of the 73-floor First Interstate building. Then the camera pans around the horizon to San Francisco’s Bay Bridge. Talk about a zoom lens!

* As though bringing things full circle, Richard Gere leaves the San Francisco courthouse in “Final Analysis,” but walks down the steps of L.A.’s City Hall.

* In an L.A. subway scene in “Predator 2,” one of the cars is marked “BART.”

* And, in “City Slickers,” Billy Crystal supposedly lands in Manhattan but he’s actually in the Bradley International Terminal at LAX. We’re surprised Crystal didn’t bump into Mayor Bradley returning from one of his many trips abroad.



Follow the bouncing FOBs: You remember TV producers Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and Harry Thomason, the Clinton buddies who introduced the President to his LAX barber and were also involved in the controversy over the White House travel office. Well, now they say they’re going to write a sitcom about Washington.

We have a suggestion for the title: “Designing Couple.”


Ronosaurus, the jellybean eater: When “Jurassic Park” previewed in Washington the other night, Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles) said: “This is the biggest dinosaur Hollywood has sent to Washington D.C. since Ronald Reagan.”


The ATM card for the L.A. Police Department’s credit union is called “Quick Draw.”
