
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Antelope Valley Coalition Plans a Unity March in Wake of Knight Poem Flap

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They’re calling it “Americans for Racial Harmony” and it’s about coming together to make a positive statement.

They want to tell people the Antelope Valley is a melting pot, where people do not judge each other by the color of their skin.

Political, religious and ethnic leaders who announced plans Friday to join together June 19 said they want to turn lemons into lemonade in the aftermath of Assemblyman William J. (Pete) Knight’s distribution of a poem mocking illegal immigrants.


Knight, a Republican and former Palmdale mayor, last month distributed the five-stanza verse at a private meeting of the Assembly Republican Caucus. The action set off a furor that has not yet subsided, although in Knight’s home district--the Antelope Valley--many people have voiced their support of their newly elected state representative.

One of the results of Knight’s action has been the banning together of Antelope Valley Latinos. But the group has abandoned any talk of calling for Knight’s resignation in favor of a call for healing.

At a news conference that conspicuously lacked mention of Knight--until a reporter raised his name--local leaders said the June 19 march will demonstrate the unity in the Antelope Valley.


“We come from the standpoint we are all Americans,” said Richard Loa, spokesman for the newly founded Latinos for Social Justice.

Participants will gather next Saturday at the Palmdale Cultural Center. Beginning at noon they will walk in silence to Courson Park a short distance away. At the park, speakers, including Sen. Art Torres (D-Los Angeles), will talk about racial harmony rather than issues that divide Americans, Loa said.

Knight will not participate in the event. Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford said Knight is concerned his presence would provoke hostility.
