
Mother Objects to Rehashing of Her Son’s Death

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As my husband, daughter and I were preparing to go to a barbecue and spend the Memorial holiday with some kind of normality, I stumbled across an article about the two losing seasons of the Dorsey High School baseball team (“Seasons of Sorrow,” May 30) with emphasis on two major tragedies.

The article referred to the death of teammate Wilfred Wright III and the arrest of Coach Darrel Thomas. To make matters worse, the article went on to rehash the circumstance behind the death of my son Wil.

In my own opinion--and speaking on behalf of my family and friends--this rehashing was unnecessary and very insensitive. I can only hope that you never have to endure the type of pain that my family and I are experiencing.


I could not wait to express to you my unhappiness and let you know what an impact these few lines in an article had on my family.

At the same time I also realize that the object of a newspaper is to obtain as much readership as possible.

But I just wanted to remind you that you are also dealing with real people who have real feelings and that should also be taken into consideration when you are writing and editing your articles for publication.


All in all, the two lines I am referring to would not have made this article any less readable.


Los Angeles
