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TO TELL THE TRUTH: Undersecretary of State Peter Tarnoff, who embarrassed the Administration recently by depicting Uncle Sam as a vastly shrunken world cop, was designated acting secretary of state when Warren Christopher and his No. 2 were out of town last week. . . . It meant he could receive ambassadors, approve cables and attend National Security Council meetings. More importantly, sources said, it showed that the ensuing fuss over the remarks has blown over--and that Tarnoff was never in real danger because what he spoke was true: “We simply don’t have the leverage . . . the influence, the inclination to use military force . . . the money to bring positive results” in post-Cold War regional disputes, he had said during a luncheon meeting with reporters. . . . The latest chapter in the saga will probably come as no surprise to some observers. Even though Christopher disavowed the statements, a ranking Japanese official was quick to comment: “The feeling is that Mr. Tarnoff speaks the true feeling of the Clinton Administration, and the denials are just to be diplomatic.”
