
Ray Kinsella, the character portrayed by Kevin...

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Ray Kinsella, the character portrayed by Kevin Costner in the hit movie “Field of Dreams,” looked at a cornfield and saw a baseball diamond, and in the process made a potent comment on our society.

Choreographer Heidi Duckler looked at a baseball diamond and saw a dance that would comment on our culture.

So she designed “Stealing Home,” which will be performed Sunday on the diamond at Brand Park in Glendale.


“I really came down to look at the gallery and library (at Brand Park), and there was that diamond and it was irresistible,” said Duckler.

The Associates of Brand Library and Art Center commissioned the dance from Duckler and her group, Collage Dance Theatre, for their “Dance at Brand” series. They got a little more than they anticipated.

“They were kind of surprised. It is a bit out of

the ordinary,” Duckler said.

She put together a performance that employs four dancers, two musicians and two actors, and a group of eight baseball players who will be plying their skills on the diamond during the dance.


“In this piece, it’s within the context of a baseball game,” Duckler said. “It’s about leisure, having time on our hands. We look at things and we take a very passive role in them.”

The dancers will be using lawn mowers and lawn chairs, and the musicians will incorporate bats and balls in their original music.

“It’s a very non-elitist form of art,” Duckler said. “You can just respond to it. It’s not academic.”


The free event begins at 3 p.m. The park’s diamond is at 1601 W. Mountain St. Information: (818) 548-2050.
