
An Angeleno’s best friend: It’s generally a...

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An Angeleno’s best friend: It’s generally a car. But no matter how much David Peterson cares for his 1966 Mustang, he says he’ll gladly exchange it for his missing golden retriever, Abercrombie.

Abbie vanished from the back yard six weeks ago and Peterson, 19, believes his pet was stolen because the 7-year-old male wasn’t known to wander far.

“I love this car, but it’s a possession,” said the South Pasadena youth. “Abbie’s a friend. I can always get another car but never another Abbie.”


Linda Fierro, Peterson’s mother, said that since she put up posters around town, she has received phone tips from more than 200 people, including three psychics.

Fierro, who can be reached at (818) 441-6915, has also gone to the homes of 10 people who had found dogs, including one in Riverside.

Did the pooch-retrievers have their hands out for the keys to the Mustang?

“I guess they were all dog-lovers,” Fierro said, “because each one said, ‘I don’t want the car.’ ”



Gateway to Disneyland: The current issue of Newsweek carries a U.S. Postal Service ad trumpeting its “computerized tracking and tracing system” for overnight Express Mail delivery. An accompanying map identifies the 110 freeway as Harbor “Boulevard.”


But is it the young El Vez or the old El Vez? The fan club of the Mexican Elvis has come out with imitation stamps of its imitation idol.


One actor who’d never murder his lines: Jud Morris recently obtained his Screen Actors Guild card but says he has no immediate plans of giving up his day job--as a Pasadena Municipal Court judge.


Morris, who is studying acting, appeared in a Sears TV commercial for outdoor equipment--a non-speaking role. “I guess they didn’t want to have Judge Morris saying, ‘Shop at Sears,’ ” he said.

On the stage he portrayed a judge in the courtroom drama “Sweet Victory,” a part he landed because the actor who originally had the role stormed off the set.

Morris put his legal experience to good use one night in that play when he had to remind a fellow actor who nearly forgot to cross-examine a witness. Luckily for the ticket-buyers, Morris didn’t declare a mistrial.


L.A.-Washington, D.C., treaty: You no doubt read how Mayor-elect Richard Riordan went jogging with President Clinton. Sort of. Riordan had to jump into a van a couple of times to catch his breath on the three-mile jaunt. Which leads us to suggest that the two leaders negotiate a settlement:

Riordan will agree not to bill the President for the latter’s use of LAX as a barber shop and Clinton agrees to use his Hollywood contacts to line up a personal trainer for Riordan.

If negotiations fall through, Riordan should turn to the Republicans. Maybe the mayor-elect could start pumping iron with Arnold.



The Elysium Institute, a Topanga nudist colony, has an ad in its magazine for a weeklong “nude cruise” in the Caribbean. Solves the dilemma of what to wear to the captain’s table.
