
GLENDALE : Program to Track Repeat Offenders

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Glendale police will begin a program this month to track repeat offenders.

The department’s Career Criminal Apprehension program has been funded by a three-year, $500,000 grant from the state’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning.

“We see this as a great opportunity for our Police Department to modify and change our (investigative) policies and procedures, to be more effective . . . in our entire approach to solving crimes,” said Lt. Jack Bilheimer, who will oversee the program. “A majority of crimes out there is done by repeat offenders.”

Bilheimer said funding this year will allow police to purchase computers and supplies and hire two people to keep information about crimes and convicted criminals in a computer database system. One of the positions calls for a crime analyst who will review police reports in an effort to find patterns of crimes or repeat offenders, also called career criminals. That information, in turn, will be made available to patrol officers.
