
Opposition Party Scores an Upset in Belize

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From Reuters

The opposition United Democratic Party won an upset victory in general elections in this former British colony Thursday after a tense all-night count ended in a photo-finish.

The party won 16 seats in the 29-seat House of Representatives, one more than the minimum of 15 required to form a new government, Chief Elections Officer Winston Carr said.

The victory appeared to spell the end of a 30-year political career for the man Belizeans sometimes refer to as the “father of the nation,” veteran leader and current Prime Minister George Price, 74. His People’s United Party won 13 seats.


“It’s probably his last general election,” one Western diplomat said. “It’s a shock.”

United Democratic Party leader Manuel A. Esquivel, who led the country from 1984 to 1989, claimed victory in an interview with local radio.

“Everybody is very tired but nevertheless elated,” he said.

His party’s victory in Wednesday’s polls came despite considerable advantages for the ruling party in financing and organization and a major split in party ranks.

Belize, settled by British pirates and their African slaves in the 17th Century, is a predominantly black, English-speaking country in Central America whose revenues come mostly from exports of sugar, citrus and bananas.
