
July 4th Holiday

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* In the recent past, on national holidays almost every home in every neighborhood flew the American flag to both honor as well as show some pride in this great country we all live in.

It has been of growing concern to me that flag flying appears to be at an all time low. This past Memorial Day I counted only one flag for every 15 or 16 homes I passed. What has happened to our American pride? Have we become so lazy that we can’t take five minutes to hang up Old Glory? Is patriotism really at an all time low?

Let us never forget that we Americans still live in the greatest country on the face of the Earth! If you own a flag , fly it! If you don’t, go buy one! We must not forget who we are and were we have come from. Independence Day is here. Let’s all fly our flags. I’ll be counting!



West Hills


Leading up to Independence Day, the only mentions I hear in connection with the holiday have to do with pyrotechnical displays and the sale or the confiscation of firecrackers, sparklers and other noise makers.

It seems obvious that the reason for the celebration, the events of July 4, 1776, have become lost to the mists of history to almost all Americans. The signing of the Declaration of Independence has become irrelevant to the great majority of citizens.

The purpose of the holiday having been lost or at best largely forgotten, I propose that it be dropped, or repealed. If it must be retained, it should at least be renamed to reflect what it has become--”Fireworks Day.” Also, “Barbecue Day,” “Six-Pack Day” or “Day-Off-Day” would be acceptable.



Los Angeles


They say: if gay didn’t march in parades, if Spanish-speaking people didn’t cross the border and work for less money, if everyone believed in the morals of gods, if blacks appreciated the progress they have made since we enslaved them, America would be a nation of peace.

Could “we the people” be they? Happy 4th.


