
Mortuary Story’s Fairness Questioned

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Your story about abuses in the funeral industry (“Complaint Alleges Mortuary Negligence,” June 13) was one-sided and unfair. While your article revolved around complaints against one funeral home operator, you have implicated the entire funeral industry. These abuses are not as commonplace as your article states.

I work as a trade embalmer in Los Angeles County. I work at approximately 20 funeral homes that handle services for people from all different creeds, ethnic and economic backgrounds. I haven’t seen any of the abuses mentioned in the funeral homes that I serve. You have quoted a group of angry people. They have every right to be angry, but where do they--and you--have the right to say this is so widespread?

You failed to mention the good, honest and caring people that make up the vast majority of those in the funeral business.



Park La Brea
