
Pomona : Workers March for Union

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Two weeks into their strike, about 200 California Acrylic Industries employees and supporters marched along Mission Boulevard to show unity in a push for union representation and better working conditions.

Chanting “Si, se puede!” (it can be done), the Cal-Spas workers marched peacefully on Wednesday and vowed to stay off the job until the company withdraws charges it has filed against the United Electrical Workers union, which is trying to represent the workers. The company’s charges have blocked a worker vote on union representation at the 500-employee plant.

The company filed three complaints last month against the union, alleging that union representatives harassed employees who don’t want to join the Compton-based United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America.


The union alleges, among other things, that Cal-Spas officials harassed and fired one worker because of his pro-union activities.

If federal labor officials, who are investigating both the company and union charges, find the company committed unfair labor practices, strikers will regain their jobs. If the practices are not found to be unfair, they may be permanently replaced. Cal-Spas has already hired about 200 replacement workers, a company attorney said.

Striking workers, most of whom earn between $4.25 and about $7 a hour for production work, say they need a union in order to increase wages, gain medical benefits and get paid holidays and vacations.
