
New Mayor for Los Angeles

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* Los Angeles is at a momentous crossroads and is being presented with a singular chance to regain its glory and rise from its shameful state of today.

As the reprehensible negative slogans subside, the fact remains that we have elected Richard Riordan, a man of exceptional abilities and substance, who sacrificed a lot for the privilege to lead us. It is time to leave shortsighted self- and group interests, bureaucratic fiefdoms, entrenched political constituencies and racial affiliations behind us and focus squarely and sincerely on restoring our city. Because without the constructive participation in our civic betterment, the freedoms democracy affords us become meaningless.

To all who are waiting for the new mayor to inspire them, we must understand that we need to inspire him as well. Together we will reap the fruit of our effort in making our city the jewel of the Pacific and the envy of the nation. And maybe we can then teach that nation the desperately needed lesson it still has not learned.



Los Angeles

* Thanks to Rich Connell and James Rainey for the very comprehensive article on the selection by Riordan for his chief of staff (June 26). As one who had the pleasure and privilege of working with Bill McCarley while I served as secretary to the city administrative officer, I can personally attest that, if this is typical of the decisions that will be made by our new mayor, Los Angelenos can put aside fears as to the direction and future of this city.

Critics should not be deceived that McCarley’s soft-spoken style and gracious demeanor signify a lack of ability to streamline city departments. McCarley honed his analytic and his “chopping-block” skills under the impeccable tutelage of the late, deeply respected CAO, C. Erwin Piper--a call from whose office could weaken the knees of the most confident department head.

Piper’s special regard for McCarley’s dedication and ability were well-founded. Anyone who has contact with the chief legislative analyst’s office immediately realizes that McCarley surrounds himself with excellence and fully utilizes the superior talents of his staff. This is in welcome contrast to the many bureaucrats who carefully select only those who will not exceed their own level of incompetence and/or ineffectiveness.


Bill McCarley is worth whatever we have to pay! PHYLLIS M. DAUGHERTY

Los Angeles

The writer was secretary to Piper. * Your editorial (“The New Mayor and the Challenge,” June 28) about privatization of government was fairly representative of both sides of the issue. One thing not mentioned is humanity’s greed. Whoever is in control abuses that power for their own selfish interests, whether it is the bureaucracy or unions or public officials or private business. Who knows if our civilization will destroy itself before we wake up and work together to correct this shortcoming.


Agua Dulce

* Former Deputy Mayor Mark D. Fabiani’s article (Commentary, June 23) indicates he feels that over the years we found former Mayor Tom Bradley and labor leader Bill Robertson “in the same foxhole” on matters such as “rights of workers to decent pay and health benefits.”

Most folks do not think those on the public payroll, especially politicians, are underpaid. Most of us do not think the perquisites are meager, either. My question is, if both “management” in the form of elected officials and labor are “in the same foxhole,” who is holding down costs of government for the rest of us?


I feel that representation of the majority, and not just those on the public payroll, is the job of all elected officials to bring the costs of government at all levels within the confines of reason and moderation.


Los Angeles
