
THE G-7 LEADERS IN TOKYO : The G-7 Leaders and Their Wish Lists

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A look at the world leaders who are meeting in Tokyo and what they’re hoping to achieve at the annual economic summit:

United States

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 9, 1993 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday July 9, 1993 Home Edition Part A Page 3 Column 4 Metro Desk 1 inches; 24 words Type of Material: Correction
President’s age--President Clinton’s age was misstated in an information box accompanying Wednesday’s coverage of the economic summit in Tokyo. The President is 46.

Leader: President Bill Clinton, 44, Democrat, elected 1992, term expires in 1997.

Summit role: Even wit a 36% approval rating, can it be that President Clinton will have the most economic clout in his rookie meeting with the major players in the world’s economy? Can he exercise it?

‘92 ’93 Unemployment 7.4% 7.0% Inflation 3.0 3.0 Economic growth 2.1 3.2



Leader: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, 73, Liberal Democratic Party, elected in 1991, lost a parliamentary no-confidence vote on June 18, forcing new elections.


Summit role: Hopes to play the wily but congenial host. Can Tokyo avoid the global wrath about its trade surpluses?

‘92 ’93 Unemployment 2.2% 2.4% Inflation 1.7 1.0 Economic growth 1.3 1.3



Leader: Chancellor Helmut Kohl, 63, Christian Democrat, first elected in 1982, term expires in 1994.

Summit role: Treading narrow line between demand to stimulate world economy and worries about Germany’s domestic economic headaches. Kohl under heavy fire at home.


‘92 ’93 Unemployment 7.7% 8.7% Inflation 4.5 4.4 Economic growth 2.0 1.3



Leader: Prime Minister John Major, 50, Conservative Party, elected in April, 1992, term expires in 1997.

Summit role: No long agenda but expected to press for completion of the current round of global trade talks and greater debt relief to poor nations.

‘92 ’93 Unemployment 9.8% 10.8% Inflation 3.7 2.1 Economic growth -0.6 1.4



Leader: Prime Minister Kim Campbell, 46, Progressive Conservative Party. Took office on June 25. She must call national elections before November.


Summit role: Seeks quickly fix for country’s economy before she and her party face voters in the fall.

‘92 ’93 Unemployment 11.3% 10.9% Inflation 1.5 2.3 Economic growth 0.9 3.2



Leader: President Francois Mitterrand, 76, Socialist first elected in 1981, current term expires in 1995.

Summit role: French seem as major obstacle to world trade agreement because of refusal to drastically cut farm subsidies.

‘92 ’93 Unemployment 10.3% 11.3% Inflation 2.8 2.0 Economic growth 1.8 0.0



Leader: Premier Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, 72, no party affiliation, appointed April 26 by President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, said he will step down once electoral reform is enacted and elections held.

Summit role: Ciampi expected to push for reduction in deficits so that interest rates will have room to fall.

‘92 ’93 Unemployment 11.1% 11.6% Inflation 5.5 5.7 Economic growth 0.9 0.3

Sources: Times staff, Associated Press
