
Fewer Folks Looking . . .

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The number of people visiting model homes in Orange County declined 22% during the first six months of 1993 compared to the same period last year. Ventura was the only Southern California county showing an increase. Number of visitors by county:

County 1993 Change Los Angeles 237,984 -20% Orange 324,163 -22% Riverside 275,304 -17% San Bernardino 170,828 -33% San Diego 221,917 -28% Ventura 83,400 +22%

. . . And Fewer Buying . . .

Net sales of new houses in Orange County were also down for the first six months, falling by 14%. Again, only Ventura County had an increase from last year. Number of contracts signed:


County 1993 Change Los Angeles 3,070 -31% Orange 3,128 -14% Riverside 3,920 -14% San Bernardino 2,143 -28% San Diego 2,822 -19% Ventura 913 +12%

. . . But Less Inventory

Despite the decline in new-home sales, builders had fewer unsold houses on hand at the end of June than they did a year earlier, reflecting a construction slowdown. Inventory of new detached homes:

County 1993 Change Los Angeles 3,408 -6.9% Orange 1,186 -12.6% Riverside 4,349 +0.2% San Bernardino 1,944 -2.3% San Diego 1,933 -2.9% Ventura 802 same


Source: Benton & Associates
