
Southland Looks for Ways to Assist Storm Victims

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As Hurricane Calvin diminished in intensity Thursday, efforts to assist storm victims escalated in the Los Angeles area, home to the nation’s largest Mexican expatriate community.

“People have been calling all day, wondering what they can give,” said Hortencia Magana, who heads the social services arm of the Casa del Mexicano, an East Los Angeles civic group that is one of several groups soliciting assistance.

Many have also contacted the Mexican Consulate General in Los Angeles, both inquiring about prospective donations and seeking word on relatives and friends back home amid a breakdown of communications and transport in storm-ravaged western Mexico. “We’re telling people to be patient, that services are being restored gradually,” said Miguel Escobar, a consular spokesman.


With precise accounts unavailable, inaccurate information and exaggerated damage reports have circulated rapidly via word of mouth.

“Everyone wants to know what is happening,” said Amando Hernandez, head of a Redondo Beach-based social group of immigrants from the western state of Colima, hard hit during the storm. He said he has maintained telephone contact with a radio station back in Colima and disseminated accurate damage accounts.

While many American residents are eager to make donations, officials said that the Mexican government and private organizations in Mexico seem to have sufficient initial relief resources. The Mexican Red Cross shipped seven tons of supplies to Acapulco to assist the battered resort city.


“A lot of people want to help, but there’s also a sense that Mexico is prepared to deal with this,” said Estela Z. Davila of Casa del Mexicano.

The impromptu outpourings of area sympathy--typical when earthquakes, explosions and other calamities strike in Mexico and Central America--underscore the huge immigrant population of Southern California.

This past winter, Los Angeles-area churches and social service agencies shipped truckloads of clothing, foodstuffs, medicines and other goods to Tijuana, inundated by the worst flooding in a decade.


Here are some of the agencies and funds accepting donations for victims of Hurricane Calvin in Mexico: * Consul General of Mexico (213) 351-6815. * American Red Cross (213) 739-5200. * Casa del Mexicano (213) 264-1428. * Calvin Fund, California Commerce Bank (800) 222-1234.
