
Morgan Resigns From Senate

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From a Times Staff Writer

Sen. Rebecca Q. Morgan of Los Altos, a moderate Republican and one of six women in the California Senate, announced her surprise mid-term resignation Thursday to join a nonprofit Silicon Valley group.

Morgan, who was reelected last year to a third term, said she will leave the Senate on Aug. 17, a move timed to enable Gov. Pete Wilson to call an election to fill the vacancy Nov. 2, which coincides with a statewide special election.

She said she will become chief executive officer and president of a fledgling nonprofit organization known as Joint Venture: Silicon Valley, a group of government, community and high-tech business leaders that is drafting a program for improving the region’s economic competitiveness and quality of life.


Morgan, who specializes in education issues in the Legislature, was passed over by Wilson this spring for nomination as state superintendent of public instruction.

“Had I been nominated and confirmed, I would have run for that job,” she said in an interview Thursday. “That didn’t happen.”

Her office staff was stunned by the announcement, saying she had kept her resignation plans a secret. Morgan said she “didn’t want any leaks” before informing Wilson of her decision at a private meeting last Friday.
