
School Bored? : Summer classes give kids and adults the chance to try something new for the fun of it.

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SPECIAL TO THE TIMES; <i> John Morell is a regular contributor to Valley Life. </i>

If your primary activity this summer looks like it will be turning up the air conditioning and running in and out of the video store, maybe it’s time for some cultural enrichment.

“Getting out and pursuing an interest through a class is a very healthy thing to do,” says Dee Roberts, a Burbank psychologist. “If you feel like you’re in a rut and you need a change, a class can help you try something new.”

You’ll also be able to meet others who share your interest, and perhaps develop new friendships. Here is a sampling of unusual classes for children and adults being taught in the area. Be sure to call for registration details before showing up for class and remember, the only grade you are striving for is an “F” for fun.


Mission Improbable?

If ghosts exist, you’ll probably find them hanging around the San Fernando Mission, which has a reputation for eerie apparitions.

In “Ghosts of the Missions,” you’ll learn some of California’s mission history and get a tour of the San Fernando Mission. Psychic Richard Senate will also be on hand to conduct supernatural experiments, such as dowsing for water. And, if the spirits are willing, a poltergeist or two just might add a little spice to the tour.

Mission College. $26 per person, $32 per couple. Class is 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday.


Tubular Rasa

Surfing is an integral part of the L. A. youth culture, and you don’t have to be 16 to learn (although it couldn’t hurt).

In these surfing classes in Malibu, kids 11 and up will be taught about board safety and local beach hazards, as well as how to balance and find the tube. Surfboards are provided. To participate, you must be able to swim at least 100 yards.

Pierce College. $59. Two-hour classes will be held over six Saturdays beginning Saturday. Three sessions offered, starting at 8, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.


The Jurassic Years

Just when you thought that the dinosaur craze was going the way of, well, dinosaurs, “Jurassic Park” has made your kids wild again for the likes of triceratops, brontosaurus and, of course, tyrannosaurus rex. If their prehistoric curiosity remains piqued, enroll them in “Discovering Dinosaurs.”

They’ll be occupied with dinosaur craft projects making fossil imprints and Mesozoic dioramas, as well as getting the inside scoop on what the dinos looked like (and looked for when they were hungry).

Pierce College. $29 plus $6 materials fee. Hourlong classes, for children 6 and 7, begin at 10:30 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays July 19 to Aug. 4.

Call ‘Em the California Raisinettes

If you’ve had a fixation on Gumby since your preschool days and your psychiatrist hasn’t helped, try making your own Gumby, or perhaps an animated version out of dried fruit. “Claymation Techniques,” taught by James Arnett, provides the basics of creating a Claymation video, the same technology used to create the infamous and overexposed California Raisins.

Working with other class members as a team, you’ll write a story line, develop characters and figures, and use a 16-millimeter camera to shoot an animated music video. Remember, though, “I Heard It Through the Grapevine” has been taken.

Learning Tree University. $139 plus $42 materials fee. Three-hour classes begin at 10 a.m. and are held over five Saturdays starting July 24.


Wild Things

It wasn’t that long ago, before Gelson’s and Jerry’s Deli, that American Indians and missionaries in the San Fernando Valley had to live off the land, finding things to eat in the wild. Those roots, berries and herbs are still around; you just have to know where to look.

If you’re interested in learning about early California life, “Discovering Edible Wild Plants” will take you into the Santa Monica Mountains, where you’ll be able to identify edible flora and medicinal plants, as well as learn about the lives of the first Valley residents.

Pierce College. $34 plus a small materials fee. Two-hour classes begin at 10 a.m. and are held over four Saturdays beginning Saturday.

A Bunch of Pawns

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a member of Mensa to play chess. The game can be played well by anyone--or so we’re told.

“The Mastery of Chess,” taught by national chess master Abe Riazi, covers the rules and terminology, as well as basic strategies and theories of the game. There will also be a group competition and practice exercises.

Mission College. $39. Two-hour classes will begin at 7 p.m. on six Wednesdays starting next week.


Scare Tactics

Do you have a burning desire to make someone’s skin crawl? You may have what it takes to write a horror novel.

In “Tales From the Crypt: Writing for the Horror Market,” you’ll learn the basics of how to keep a reader awake at night, from developing creepy characters to writing a plot that makes your story all too real. You’ll find out the basics of what makes a horror novel frightening, and you’ll be in for a real scare yourself--your work will be critiqued in class. AHHHHH!!!

Learning Tree University. $95 plus $3 materials fee. Classes are from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on six Wednesdays beginning July 21.

Preschool Prep

Here’s a little bit of introduction for the not-ready-for-preschool player. “On My Own, Almost,” which is for 2- and 3-year-olds, is designed to help the toddlers get used to separating from parents and home for a while. They’ll also be kept busy putting together art projects, dancing and engaging in outside play.

Pierce College. $41 plus $5 materials fee. Classes are 10 a.m. to noon. Choose between Friday or Monday sessions, which start today or Monday and last six weeks.

You Take the High Road

Long before Billy Ray Cyrus and the Nashville Network, people in Scotland designed the steps that would evolve into American square and country dancing. Now you can learn the basics of the Scottish country dance, the traditional dance of Scotland.


You won’t need a partner as you work on reels, jigs and strathspeys, and you’ll learn about the culture of the Scots. And, no, you won’t be dancing to bagpipes.

Valley College. $3 per class. Classes for beginners are 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays throughout the summer.

Is This a Fish Story?

Once considered an unusual delicacy, sushi has become the biggest Japanese export since Sony. Who would have thought 20 years ago that even supermarkets and convenience stores would be selling this raw-fish-and-rice dish around the country?

Becoming a sushi chef requires years of training and apprenticeship, but you don’t have to enroll in sushi school to learn the basics. “Sushi Made Simple” will cover how some of the more simple and popular sushi dishes are created, and how you can make them at home.

Learning Tree University. $35 plus $8 materials fee. Three-hour class begins at 7 p.m. Aug. 11.

Junior Would-Be Chefs

“What’s Cooking?” is designed to give your 5- to 8-year-old run of the kitchen, with supervision. They’ll learn how to make simple snacks and meals guaranteed good enough for parents to like. The fundamentals of mixing, measuring and pouring will be covered, as well as the all-important cleanup.


Pierce College. $33 plus $7 materials fee. Classes will be from 9 to 11:30 a.m. over four Saturdays, beginning Saturday.

Even Steve Jobs Had to Start Somewhere

If your child is hooked on computer games, with fingertips calloused from working joysticks and Gameboys for hours on end, they may be thinking that summer is the time to conquer “Mario World.” You might be able to channel their video energy into something a little more creative.

In “Adventure Games,” your child will learn to make their own computer adventure games. From a pre-written program, they will add the characters, maps and action, then they can challenge other students to master their creation. They’ll also cover the basics of how the games work and what makes a good computer challenge.

Valley College. For children and teens from fourth grade through high school, $65. Classes are from 1 to 2:20 p.m. Monday to July 16 or Aug. 2 to 6.

Rock(s) of Ages

Millions of years ago, before man and cellular phones, small creatures roamed what would become Los Angeles, leaving behind evidence of their presence.

“Fossil Find: An Introduction to Paleontology” takes you into the Old Topanga area of the Santa Monica Mountains, where you’ll be guided to fossil formations and learn about what life was like in prehistoric Southern California. You’ll also learn how to dig for fossils and how to start your own collection.


Learning Tree University. $35 per person or $55 for a family of four. A pre-trip seminar will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. July 23. The fossil dig will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 24.

What’s All That Racquet Racket?

You’ve watched the pros at Wimbledon, you’ve studied Jimmy Connors’ instructional videotape and you still can’t figure out how the ball is supposed to hit the racquet. This is the obstacle for millions who try to take up tennis but find their fine motor skills just aren’t up to the job.

“High-Tech Tennis” just might bail you out. This program puts you on the base line facing a ball machine. While the machine hurls volleys, lobs and cross-court shots across the net, coaches give you advice and help you find that sweet spot on your racquet. Instruction is available on all levels.

Cal State Northridge. $50 per six-class session. The 80-minute classes are held daily during late afternoon and evening hours beginning July 19.

Class Act

For information or to register for summer classes, contact: * Cal State Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff St., (818) 885-CSUN. * Learning Tree University, 20916 Knapp St., Chatsworth, (818) 882-5599. * Mission College, 13356 Eldridge Ave., Sylmar, (818) 365-5262. * Pierce College, 6201 Winnetka Ave., Woodland Hills, (818) 719-6425. * Valley College, 5800 Fulton Ave., Van Nuys, (818) 988-3911.
