
A summary of selected City Hall actions affecting Central Los Angeles in the past week: : CITY COUNCIL

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* GANG ABATEMENT: Approved a proposal to spend $15,000 for a 90-day special enforcement program by the Police Department aimed at reducing the drug-and gang-related activities at the Wyvernwood Garden Apartments in Boyle Heights. The money would pay for overtime accrued by the officers.

* OBON FESTIVAL: Councilman Mike Hernandez has requested that Vignes Street between 1st and Banning streets be closed from 4 to 10 p.m. today for the Obon Festival sponsored by the Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 18, 1993 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday July 18, 1993 Home Edition City Times Page 4 Zones Desk 2 inches; 50 words Type of Material: Correction
School district breakup--Last Sunday’s City Hall Journal incorrectly reported the breakdown of the council vote on supporting a state Senate bill that would establish a plan to reorganize the Los Angeles Unified School District into smaller districts. The proposal failed because it did not achieve the 10 votes needed for passage. The vote for it was 8 to 6.
For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday July 25, 1993 Home Edition City Times Page 4 Zones Desk 2 inches; 48 words Type of Material: Correction
School district breakup--The City Hall Journal on July 11 incorrectly reported how Councilman Nate Holden voted on a proposal to discuss a state Senate bill that would establish a plan to reorganize the Los Angeles Unified School District into smaller districts. Holden, who opposes the reorganizing bid, voted against discussing the bill.

* MURAL DEDICATION: Approved a proposal to close St. Louis Street between 1st and 2nd streets in Boyle Heights from 2 to 8 p.m. on July 17 for the dedication of the “Bridges to East Los Angeles” mural on the west wall of the URM Gallery/St. Louis Dug Co., 2100 E. 1st Street. The 40-by-16-foot mural by artist Ernesto de la Loza features scenes of historical significance to the Latino community.



How South-Central and Eastside representatives voted on selected issues.

* DRIVE-BY SHOOTINGS: Approved a proposal supporting a state Senate bill to increase the penalty for drive-by shootings to a “special circumstances” first-degree murder charge, which would allow the death penalty to be imposed. Passed: 11-3. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre and Nate Holden. Voting no: Hernandez and Mark Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Rita Walters.

* DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Approved a proposal to improve how city agencies, including the Police Department, respond to domestic violence incidents. City officials are alarmed at the number of such cases. Last year, the police investigated 43,000 domestic violence cases, compared with 40,000 robberies. Passed: 14-0. Voting yes: Alatorre, Hernandez, Holden and Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Walters.


* SCHOOL BREAKUP: Rejected a proposal to support a state Senate bill that would establish a plan to reorganize the Los Angeles Unified School District into smaller districts. The measure needed 10 votes for passage. Failed: 9-5. Voting yes: Holden. Voting no: Alatorre, Hernandez and Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Walters.

* EMPOWERMENT ZONE: Approved a proposal requesting the city’s administrative staff to report on the status of the city’s application to the federal government to declare certain areas as empowerment and enterprise zones. Passed: 13-0. Voting yes: Alatorre, Hernandez, Holden and Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Walters.
