
Limited Library Service Limits Growth

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* The inherent genius in the library system is in its inability to discriminate. It ensures equal access to all citizens regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation and perhaps most significantly, the ability to pay.

Are we moving to a place in our society where only those with adequate funds will have access to information? These reductions in hours contribute to a further polarization between the haves and the have-nots. This is the single most divisive issue we face today.

Cutting library hours by nearly 50% essentially cuts off many individuals’ only free access to literature, newspapers, magazines, etc. People who work, people who have inadequate transportation and those with limited incomes need the flexibility of more open hours.


How can we, as a society, expect to nurture and enlighten minds and counter the violence, the decadent consumption and pay more than lip service to the idea of becoming educated people by further eroding the very foundation of our ever-apparently devolving society?


Capistrano Beach

* The announcement was brief but specific: Due to the economy, the library hours would be drastically reduced. This has a magical connotation to those who have survived the Great Depression, when borrowing books was the only recreation to fill an empty evening. Long hours, abundance of reading material, and no cost to all were remembered features at that time. During those days, a visit to your local branch meant opening the door to knowledge, relaxation and pleasure.

Now, in 1993, little has changed. The need to grow intellectually remains. Research, curiosity and academic assignment require fulfillment. Continual current publications fill the shelves for the eager readers. Desired information is obtainable at your fingertips. Valuable assistance from the librarians is available. Within the quiet atmosphere, one can sit back and dream.


The recommendation that an annual fee of $5 be assessed for the privilege of maintaining regular hours of library service should be overwhelmingly supported by the community.

Where else can you obtain so much for so little?


Laguna Hills
