
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : ANGELS : Umpire Says Polonia Lied About Calls

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Tim Welke, the home-plate umpire who was chastised Friday night by Angel left fielder Luis Polonia, took the comments in stride Saturday after reading the newspaper.

“Just consider the source, and leave it at that,” said Welke, a 10-year veteran. “Obviously, the left fielder was not paying attention to the strike zone.”

Polonia, who has been complaining of an erratic strike zone the entire season, claimed Welke admitted to not even seeing two pitches during his second at-bat Friday, and calling them strikes, anyway.


“He’s a liar,” Welke said. “I’ll admit that I was late getting down on the first pitch, and I said something to (Yankee catcher) Mike Stanley.

“Evidently, Polonia took the comments between Mike Stanley and I out of context.”

Stanley confirmed Welke’s contention, saying, “He admitted he got blocked out on the first one, but that was it.”

Said Welke: “Listen, the strike zone was the same for both sides, and it stayed the same the whole game. It’s that simple. I don’t want to blow this thing out of proportion.”


Angel Manager Buck Rodgers, who was a bit miffed Friday at the strike zone, says that Welke missed some pitches, but certainly not purposely.

“He missed some pitches, but Tim Welke was trying,” Rodgers said. “Whether he had a bad night, or whatever, I think he was trying the best he could.

“I don’t think he had it in for us, but I can’t say that about every umpire this year.”


Rodgers was angry when someone asked him whether the Angels have interest in recently released reliever John Candelaria.


“It’s kind of insulting,” Rodgers said. “Is our bullpen in that bad of shape that every time some (washout) is released, you guys ask, ‘You interested in that (washout).’

“I didn’t think our bullpen was that bad.

“We never wanted (Mark) Davis and we don’t want the Candy Man.”


Rodgers, fearing catcher John Orton might need another stint on the disabled list with his sore right elbow, says it’s time to evaluate whether Orton still can be considered a first-string catcher.

“At some point we might have to say, ‘He’s not a No. 1 catcher, he’s a No. 2 catcher,’ “Rodgers said. “We’ll have to address that before the season ends or during the winter. I don’t know what the answer is.

“It just seems like it’s been one injury after another. They’re all legitimate injuries, but they’re hurting him.”
