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Decision Expected Soon on New MGM/UA Chief: Rumors that former Paramount Pictures Chairman Frank Mancuso will soon be named to a top executive post at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists heated up again, but sources cautioned that other scenarios are still under discussion. People close to the talks said a decision could be reached as early as today. Credit Lyonnais, the French bank that owns MGM and UA, is said to be considering as many as three separate plans for the studios. Sources say Mancuso could be eliminated from consideration if the bank decides to make a deal with a different party. Reports surfaced last month that Mancuso was close to striking a deal to take over a revived UA and help manage marketing and distribution at MGM. Discussions revolving around a sale or management restructuring of the studios is said to have heated up in recent weeks. A wave of speculation about the talks swept over Hollywood on Tuesday, but much of it proved premature. Those involved in the discussions declined to comment. Credit Lyonnais inherited MGM and UA when Italian financier Giancarlo Parretti defaulted on loan payments.
