
Abortion Funding

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* So Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) and a majority of the House of Representatives object to taxpayer funding for abortions for poor women (“Rep. Hyde Still Likes Controversy,” July 6). I object to placing the burden of caring for a baby on women (or couples) who don’t want one and can’t care adequately for themselves. As a taxpayer, I object to paying the much greater publicly financed costs of delivery, welfare, Medicaid, etc. for the child which this short-sighted policy will entail.

As for the notion that abortion kills a baby, come on! An egg is not a chick, an acorn is not a sapling, a fetus is not a baby. It’s not just semantics. There are clearly observable, measurable differences in structure and function. These differences are legally recognized by the fact that death certificates are not required for miscarriages before 20 weeks.


Woodland Hills

* Thank you, Congress, for voting to continue the 17-year-old ban on federal funding for abortions (July 1). In poll after poll the American people do not want to pay for abortions with their taxes.


Congress, please also keep abortion funding out of any health care packages and especially vote against the so-called Freedom of Choice Act (the baby has no choice). This act would make abortion on demand for all nine months for any reason the rule in every state and would erase any laws a state has passed since Roe v. Wade. In California all hospitals would have to begin offering abortions. FOCA does not require parental consent, as some legislators have written their constituents, as any adult could fulfill the role of responsible adult, even someone at an abortion clinic!

Special thank-yous to the Republican Congressmen from California for almost voting 100% for the right to life for the unborn child and to Democrat Gary Condit from Modesto. The one California Republican voting to kill unborn babies with our tax dollars was Steve Horn, Long Beach. Maybe it was a misprint and he’s really a Democrat.


President, Crusade for Life

Fountain Valley
