
Homes, Firms Evacuated After Trucks Collide

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A tanker truck loaded with 10,000 gallons of combustible hydrogen peroxide hit another truck on the Golden State Freeway near Castaic on Wednesday night, causing authorities to evacuate several homes and businesses in the area, Los Angeles County Fire Department officials said.

The tanker truck remained upright and intact and none of the highly combustible peroxide spilled onto the road, fire officials said.

The hydrogen peroxide in the tanker--70% pure, compared to heavily diluted household varieties, which contain only about 2% of the chemical--could spontaneously ignite if it came into contact with diesel fuel or asphalt, said Capt. Bob Wolfe of the department’s Hazardous Materials Unit.


The accident occurred about 7:15 p.m. when a truck transporting corn overturned on the Lake Hughes off-ramp and was hit by the peroxide tanker, county fire dispatcher Gigi Buccola said. The tanker truck was damaged too badly to move, Wolfe said.

As a precaution, four homes on Scallion Drive and two gas stations and a fast-food restaurant in the area were evacuated because of their proximity to the accident, said Sheriff’s Sgt. Rick Lichten.

Late Wednesday night, authorities were waiting for another tanker to arrive so the peroxide could be transferred to that truck, Wolfe said.
