
Mideast Peace Talks

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* Regarding your headline “Rabin Rips U.S. Peace Talks Role” (July 5): This statement might be acceptable if it were fair and unbiased. But apparently it is not.

Buried in the article’s eighth paragraph is the statement, “The Palestinians had been just as vehement Saturday in telling Secretary of State Warren Christopher that the latest U.S. draft is unacceptable to them.” If The Times is evenhanded and unbiased, why didn’t the headline state, “Rabin and Palestinians Rip U.S. Peace Talks Role”? NORMAN B. SIGBAND

Studio City

* Your July 2 editorial, “Why All Eyes Are on the Palestinians,” hits the nail right on the head. The deadlock in the Middle East peace talks is a direct result of Palestinian intransigence.


While Israel’s Labor-led peace coalition is committed to the application of U.N. Resolutions 242 and 338, i.e., territorial compromise, the Palestinians, who are notorious for missing opportunities, have been reluctant to show signs of reciprocity. Not only is their inflexible position making progress in the autonomy talks slow and difficult, but it is also aiding extremists on both sides that oppose the peace negotiations.

GUY ZIV, Chairman

Friends of Shimon Peres, Irvine

* Re “For a Shaken Israeli, Terrorism Now Has a Face,” July 3:

The faces of terrorism are burned into the minds of other victims, too. They see the barrels of Uzis and rifles, feel the power of truncheons and rifle butts, and see the faces of sharpshooters and elite squads.

They see the faces of the terrorists who raid their homes, humiliate, brutalize and arrest their youth, and return the bodies of those killed in the middle of the night.


Their lives are filled with “real-life terror” but there are no press agents to tell their stories and eulogize their dead. They are the Palestinians.


