
Riordan Says Jobs at Rocketdyne Essential

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Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan told nearly 3,000 cheering aerospace employees Thursday that their jobs are essential to the future of Los Angeles.

In a speech that echoed one of his campaign themes, Riordan told the employees of Rockwell International’s Rocketdyne Division in Canoga Park that he is committed to working with business to turn Los Angeles around.

“You’re going to force government to be your employees, not your oppressors,” Riordan said. “Together we will return Los Angeles to its just place as the greatest city on the planet.”


Riordan spoke as a guest at Rockwell’s first “We Need Our Space Day,” an event organized to kick off National Space Week, and to focus attention on the $14.5-billion national space program, which includes the $2.1-billion space station. The space station survived an attack in the House of Representatives last month and faces a crucial vote in the Senate in late July or early August.

The Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International, the Valley’s largest private employer with 6,000 jobs, manufactures the power and propulsion systems for the space shuttle and provides the electrical power for the space station.

Armed with miniature American flags and blue and red pom-poms, Rockwell employees cheered enthusiastically at Riordan’s comments, which touched only briefly on the aerospace industry.


“The space industry has been the greatest asset in this country for the last 40 years,” Riordan said. “It’s something we have to continue.”

Many Rocketdyne employees voiced concern that when faced with a sagging economy, the nation quickly forgets the importance of space exploration and technology programs.

“Part of my program is to keep companies in L. A.,” Riordan commented after the tour. “I can’t succeed as a mayor if businesses leave. If the biggest employer in the Valley left, it would be a disaster.”
