
HEADING HOME? Sacramento insiders say state Sen....

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HEADING HOME? Sacramento insiders say state Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) plans next week to make public what’s long been rumored: She’ll run in 1994 for Orange County’s 5th District supervisorial seat. The seat is to be vacated by Supervisor Thomas F. Riley, who is retiring after 20 years. . . . Bergeson refuses comment, but she hasn’t made any secret of her wish to return home to Orange County after 15 years in Sacramento. That desire was strengthened last spring after Assembly lawmakers dashed her effort to become state schools chief.

TOO PROLIFIC? Early recall efforts in Fullerton against council members A.B. (Buck) Catlin and Don Bankhead hit a snag this week: City Clerk Anne York says the recall petition uses more than the 200 words the law allows--by 12 words. But recall leader Edward M. Caspers says York is “just being nit-picky; this is an excuse to extend the process.” . . . The problem delays the recall effort by at least two weeks. But it has added a little fire: York was formally added as a recall target Thursday.

ADIEU, ENDRE: Next to the conductor, the most prestigious post in any orchestra is concertmaster, and the Pacific Symphony always claimed one of the best in violinist Endre Granat. But among the changes on the local arts scene this week, Granat resigned after 10 years to concentrate on his family and out-of-state engagements. . . . “The orchestra has been a kind of family,” he says, “but it’s becoming a growing commitment and I had to make a choice.”


FERRIS OF THEM ALL: With the county fair celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Ferris wheel this year, officials wanted to find someone related to inventor George Ferris. After months of searching, they finally got lucky: Turns out 17-year-old Trisha Ferris of Garden Grove is the inventor’s great-niece, four generations removed. Says Ferris: “It makes me feel special; at least I have some connection with history.” She’ll be a special guest for closing ceremonies July 25.
