
Salk Institute Annex

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In response to “Salk Defends Construction of Institute Annex” (May 12): Those in opposition to the annex location are not an elite group of architects but rather a broad-based, large group of individuals who value this building as part of our culture--a building that California is fortunate to have. However, the issue at hand is that Salk Institute representatives have so far refused to meet with an advisory group concerned with the future of this building.

In the Museum of Contemporary Art, anyone is free to view the site model of the institute, which shows the master plan as it was intended by Louis I. Kahn. This model offers both literal options and suggested approaches for other buildings to be placed successfully.

All work on the site should stop until the proposed meeting between the advisory group and the Board of Trustees of the Salk Institute occurs and a sensible solution is found.



