
TARZANA : ‘90210’ Star Gets to Keep His Pet Pigs

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Despite protests from a handful of his neighbors, Luke Perry, who plays the hip and handsome Dylan on television’s “Beverly Hills 90210,” was granted permission Friday to keep three Vietnamese potbellied pigs as pets at his Tarzana home.

Though legal in two dozen California cities, including Beverly Hills and Burbank, keeping the creatures requires a special permit in Los Angeles.

“They’re not considered your normal cat or dog or bird type of pet,” said Associate Zoning Administrator William E. Lillenberg, adding that he had never heard a potbellied pig case before. “But I don’t see any problem with Mr. Perry keeping his pigs.”


Perry’s realtor, who filed for the permit and attended the hearing on his behalf, said she was pleased.

“Of course we’re happy about the pigs,” said Leegie Parker, as she pulled a cellular telephone from her bag and prepared to call the young star.

Parker said Perry would not be available for comment.

Neighbors who attended the hearing said they were less concerned with the pigs than with the placement of a stable on Perry’s 20,000-square-foot spread, and what they alleged was the star’s habit of ignoring the rules. “Every time he does something on his property it’s another variance,” said Arnold Schrader, a neighbor who opposed Perry’s request to keep the pigs as well as a requested zoning variance that would allow his stables to remain nearer his property line than is permitted by code.


Lillenberg put off a decision on the zoning variance pending more information.

But one neighbor said before the hearing that she had experienced no problems with the celebrity.

“It’s a shame that they’re all jumping on him,” said Jacqueline Gordon. “He’s a fine neighbor as far as I’m concerned. I think this is all so petty.”
