
Riordan Inauguration Quote Can’t Be Found in Scripture

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In an attempt to encourage Angelenos that Los Angeles can be turned around “with confidence and a common purpose,” Mayor Richard Riordan said at the end of his inaugural address: “The Scripture says to us: ‘Do not lose heart--and the city shall be renewed.”’

Alas, no such line exists in the Bible, even allowing for different translations.

Biblical concordances and consultation with a biblical expert yield nothing even close.

“Cities” in biblical narratives are often decried as evil places needing repentance, or they are visions of a heavenly city, as in the Book of Revelation or in the obscure apocryphal work, 2 Esdras 10:55.

Although 2 Corinthians 4:16 contains two key words in the alleged quotation, the verses speak of personal renewal: “So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.”


Mike Monasmith, assistant to Riordan speech writer Annette Castro, explained that she had made notes while looking through Scripture but could not remember what passage resembled what she used in the speech.
