
A summary of selected City Hall actions affecting Central Los Angeles in the past week. : CITY COUNCIL

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* DEMOLITION WORK: Approved spending $550,000 for demolition and asbestos removal at a city-owned site at 94th Street and Broadway. A three-story hospital and two apartment buildings are located on the 4.2-acre site. The structures have been vandalized and damaged by fire. The site had been proposed for a city-owned housing project, but the developer defaulted on the loan agreement.

* SUMMER CARNIVAL: Approved the temporary closure of Yale Street between College and Alpine streets in Chinatown from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Aug. 27-29 for the Summer Carnival, an event sponsored by the Alpine Recreation Center Advisory Council.


How South-Central and Eastside representatives voted on selected issues.


* GAYS IN THE MILITARY: Approved a proposal by Councilwoman Jackie Goldberg for the council to continue opposing discrimination against gays in the military and to support legislation to lift the ban on homosexuals serving in the armed services. President Clinton and Congress are to be notified of the council’s action. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Mike Hernandez, Mark Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Richard Alatorre, Nate Holden and Rita Walters.

* RACISM: In the wake of recent arrests of white supremacists for allegedly plotting hate crimes, approved a resolution by Ridley-Thomas pledging that the city will aggressively enforce laws that prohibit harassment, intimidation or violence motivated by prejudice, bigotry or racism, and vigorously prosecute people guilty of such acts. Passed: 13-0. Voting yes: Hernandez, Holden, Ridley-Thomas and Walters. Absent: Alatorre.

* ANGELS FLIGHT: Approved a $4-million plan to get the historic Angels Flight railway rolling again between Downtown and Bunker Hill. The original station house, arch and twin cable cars will be restored and reinstalled on a new three-rail track near 4th and Hill streets. Construction is expected to begin in early 1994 and be completed by 1995. Angels Flight was dismantled in 1969. Passed: 11-0. Voting yes: Hernandez. Absent: Alatorre, Holden, Ridley-Thomas and Walters.


* PARTY PERMITS: Approved a proposal by Zev Yaroslavsky to establish a procedure for issuing city permits to regulate one-day events, such as music and food festivals, held on private property. Permits are not now required for such events. Issues to be considered before permits are granted would include the hours of the event, whether alcohol is to be served and if security guards are needed. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Hernandez and Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Alatorre, Holden and Walters.
