
Guarding Against Wascally Wabbits

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QUESTION: I live in an area of foothills that has a huge rabbit population. How can I humanely protect my flower and vegetable garden from these hungry bunnies?

ANSWER: The best method is to erect a barrier of one-inch mesh chicken wire around your garden. The wire should be buried into the soil to a depth of six inches and it should reach three feet above ground. I realize that chicken wire isn’t a particularly attractive addition to a garden, however, it is quite effective.

Another control is to sprinkle blood meal around your plants. Rabbits generally avoid areas where there is a scent of blood. This method is not as effective as the chicken wire, and the blood meal has to be periodically replaced. If there are only a few rabbits, humane live traps will work, but where rabbits are numerous and firmly in control, traps are a futile choice.


Miniature Roses Available at Nurseries

Q: We recently moved to Southern California from Texas. Back home we had a garden full of beautiful miniature roses and would like to grow them here. Are there any nurseries out here that specialize in miniature roses?

A: The following nurseries usually have a large selection: Pixie Treasure, 4121 Prospect Ave., Yorba Linda 92686, phone (714) 993-6780; Nor’ East Miniature Roses, 955 W. Phillips St., Ontario 91762, phone (714) 984-2233 and Tiny Petals Nursery, 489 Minot Ave., Chula Vista 92010, phone (619) 422-0385.

Preventing Powdery Mildew in Zinnias

Q: Last year my zinnias experienced an awful mildew problem. How do I prevent this?

A: Powdery mildew is a problem with zinnias. There are several steps you can take to prevent it. Plant in an area that receives full sun and don’t crowd the plants. Plants that are crowded together are more prone to this disease. In addition, there are mildew-resistant zinnia varieties such as Rose Pinwheel. If the plants contract the disease, an application of wettable sulfur applied on a weekly basis will probably control it.


Geraniums Simple to Start From Cuttings

Q: I have heard that you can start geraniums from cuttings. How do I go about this?

A: Geraniums are simple to start from cuttings. Cut about three inches from the branches and remove the lower leaves. Insert the cutting into a pot of damp sand. As soon as the cutting shows signs of growth, check to see if roots have begun. If so, move the cutting into a container filled with potting soil; transplant into garden when the plant is growing vigorously.

Bearded Irises Are Best Planted in Fall

Q: When is the best time to plant bearded irises?

A: When you think of irises you usually think of spring, but the time to plant them is from late August through October. Bearded irises are grown from rhizomes that are commonly available.
