
Project Construction Will Mean Six Months of Closures, Delays

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Due to construction of new express lanes, motorists who use the Costa Mesa and Riverside freeways will have to navigate past closed connector roads and along re-striped lanes for the next six months or so.

A series of traffic disruptions, some of which were put in place Tuesday, will remain through early 1994, according to the California Private Transportation Co.

This is all happening where the two freeways intersect so workers can build new ramps there.


“It will (cause) some slowing” of traffic, said Dennis Davis, construction manager, “but it should not bring things to a standstill.” Most of the lane closures will take place at night, but daytime traffic will be slowed by narrowed lanes, he said.

Davis said motorists should be aware of the following developments:

* The connector road between the eastbound Riverside Freeway and the southbound Costa Mesa Freeway was re-striped Tuesday night, reducing it from two lanes to one between Riverdale and Lincoln avenues. This connection will be closed tonight and reopen Thursday morning at 5 a.m.

* While workers install a retaining wall, the westbound Riverside Freeway lanes will be re-striped so that they are 11 feet wide instead of 12 feet. Also, northbound lanes on the Costa Mesa Freeway to the eastbound Riverside will be narrowed to 11 feet.


* The westbound Riverside Freeway to the southbound Costa Mesa Freeway connector will be re-striped so that the two lanes shift to the north.

* The eastbound lanes of the Riverside Freeway from Riverdale to Lakeview avenues will be narrowed to 11 feet so a concrete barrier can be set up on the shoulder.

Officials warn that during these re-stripings, the Riverside Freeway will be narrowed to one lane during the night on whichever side is being painted.
