
Glendale : Community Center to Open

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A community center offering services to the homeless, immigrants, senior citizens and youths will open next Wednesday with a groundbreaking ceremony.

The center, operated by Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, will offer counseling, food to the needy, assistance to refugees and help in steering latchkey youths away from trouble by providing alternatives, such as sporting activities.

The 6,200-square-foot, $622,000 Glendale Catholic Charities Center is at 4322 San Fernando Road. The site had been occupied by the Catholic Youth Organization, which was demolished in January after operating for 40 years.


Catholic Charities, which will fund the operating costs, contributed $14,000 toward the design and construction, and a federal grant will cover the balance.

The site is owned by Community Development Corp., the housing branch of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
