
ORANGE COUNTY PLATFORM : White Youths Need to Learn the Contributions Made by Other Races

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Most people learn how to relate to others, not like themselves, in three places; at home, in school and in their place of worship. More and more we are discovering that children are being raised to be bitter toward other races, right in the home, but I can’t say that this is a major phenomenon in America.

When white children develop the thought that they are superior to all others there has to be a foundation somewhere. If you look deep into the eyes of these young haters you will see that they really believe that they are the chosen race of this planet. What is the source of this belief?

By the time most youth join Aryan terrorist gangs they are already convinced that they are supreme and that other races are at the root of the problems they face. The common thought is that the white race is supreme over all others, that God and Jesus are white, and that no other race has done anything worthwhile in this world.


Although the schools and the churches don’t come out and say that white Europeans are superior, it’s what they don’t say that reinforces this thinking. The schools teach that the white man had the pivotal role in world history, showing how he discovered people that were not lost to begin with, and brought the saving Euro-Christian ways to them. They do not show how the settlers destroyed the way of life of the original people and in some cases completely wiped out whole civilizations.

History shows how Plato and Aristotle were the fathers of philosophy, without showing that they got their knowledge from African thinkers. History teaches about the “Dark Ages,” forgetting the minor detail that only Europe experienced this “age” and that Black men (the Moors) were the ones that brought the Europeans to the modern age after ruling over Europe from AD 700 to AD 1490.

Why do these people think Jesus and God are white and just for white people? It is interesting that most of these hate groups quote from Bible Scriptures in order to support their philosophy. Most Euro-Christian churches in this country don’t teach that Jesus is white, but if you look at the pictures that the young kids get in Bible school you will not only find the characters white but they will all have European features.


Also, you will be hard pressed to find a white pastor that would identify individuals in The Bible as being of African descent or the role of many African tribes or clans in Bible history during his sermons. When it comes down to it, white supremacists do not have to search far for information to support their belief. The White Supremacist feels superior because the whole American system supports his ideology in many subtle ways.

The only way to get young white youth to stop hating and feeling that others are inferior is by teaching them how other races contributed to this world.
