
Fullerton : Sonora High Senior Joins School Board

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High school senior Le Kha has been selected as the student board member of the Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board of Trustees, which governs the seven-school district.

Kha will present student opinion on issues that come before the board, which has five elected voting members. She cannot vote, but can register an opinion for the record, said board member Robert A. Singer.

“We encourage (student board members) to participate in all of the discussions,” Singer said.


Kha will also chair the student advisory council, which has representatives from the seven high schools: Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, La Vista, Sonora, Sunny Hills and Troy.

Kha, a Sonora student, will join the board at the Sept. 7 meeting.

Active since seventh grade in a student help group called Peer Assistance, Kha said she wants to bring diverse student voices to the board meetings.

“I’m just going to be really open to (student) suggestions,” Kha said.

She said she would also like to organize multicultural events. The student advisory council, which has three members from each school, can provide direction for events.


Kha said she will work to develop the Teen-Agers Against Graffiti program, which was created this year to fight tagging. The organization will plan activities during the coming school year, she said.

Outgoing student board member Melina Ranii said her position can be used to influence board decisions. “You’re representing all 10,000-plus students,” she said.
