
WESTMINSTER : City to Call Session on Park Conversion

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The City Council has decided to convene a special study session to draft its own proposal for a mobile home park conversion ordinance.

The council made the decision at its Tuesday meeting, where mobile home park owners and scores of park residents expressed dissatisfaction with the latest draft of a proposed conversion ordinance.

“A workable solution has not materialized, and not much has been accomplished so far,” Councilwoman Charmayne S. Bohman said. “But out there there must be a solution which is humane and which respects the needs of the park owners and residents.”


For months, mobile home park owners and residents have argued over changes in the city’s mobile home park conversion ordinance, which is designed to protect residents if a park owner opts to convert the park to another use.

The debate began last year when Mission Del Amo Mobile Home Park residents were notified that its owners were contemplating converting the property. Since then, the residents, along with those of the 17 other parks in the city who fear conversion, have appealed to the council for protection.

A mobile home task force that included mobile home park residents and representatives of park owners was established but members were not able to develop an ordinance agreeable to both sides.


“I’m happy,” said Stan Hirsch, who represents residents of 12 parks in the city. “It should have been put into (the council’s) hands prior to tonight.”

Mayor Charles V. Smith said the study session will take place within 30 days. The public may attend even though the session is not open to public discussion.

“We have all the input we need to thrash through this issue,” Smith said. “We can’t make either side happy, but hopefully we can come to some equitable solution.”
