
LAKE VIEW TERRACE : Security Concerns Voiced About Park

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Residents who peeked at working drawings for the long-planned restoration of the Hansen Dam Recreation Area expressed concerns about security and the maintenance of equestrian trails but supported a plan to charge admission to the park.

A city parks official, who outlined the proposed $10-million project during a Town Hall meeting Tuesday, said admission fees could help pay for rangers to provide security and lifeguards for the swimming area of the 15-acre lake. The fees were initially proposed by community members concerned about safety.

“My No. 1 priority is to staff this facility,” said Jim Andervich, an assistant general manager for the Valley region of the city Department of Recreation and Parks. “We want to make it safe and enjoyable.”


About 25 people attended the meeting sponsored by the Lake View Terrace Home Owners Assn., one of the first held to gauge community concerns and give residents a say in shaping final plans for the restoration of the lake and park facilities.
